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From Cloud to Edge: How TinyML is Reshaping Industries


Imagine a wearable device that alerts you instantly if your health parameters stray from the norm, or an agricultural sensor that tells you the optimal time to harvest crops. These edge devices link the internet to our physical world, where the data comes from and they process it in real time.

There are the tangible benefits of this game-changing technology called Tiny Machine Learning, or TinyML. In an age when smart, interconnected devices are increasingly prevalent, TinyML transforms the potential and efficiency of the Internet of Things (IoT)

Generally, Internet of Things (IoT) devices are often seen as basic units that gather sensor data and send it for processing. However, it’s extremely expensive to transmit large amounts of relatively unimportant data. The cost isn’t just financial—transferring data also consumes significant amounts of energy, which poses a major challenge for IoT devices that run on batteries.

Traditionally, the domain of machine learning has been the playground of cloud servers and computers with more processing power.

However, TinyML breaks this paradigm by enabling machine learning models to function on microcontrollers that are so small they could fit on a grain of rice. Not only do these microcontrollers consume incredibly low amounts of energy, but they are also finding their way into a myriad of devices, from household appliances to industrial machinery.

The Game Changer: TinyML

For starters, cloud computing, the backbone of most machine learning models, faces growing challenges. In short issues such as latency, data privacy, and energy inefficiency are apparent. TinyML offers a solution by shifting the computing closer to the edge, right where data generates.

This results in real-time processing with enhanced security and energy efficiency. Yet, for all its promise, TinyML implementation comes with its set of challenges—from model optimization and the complexities of machine learning training to data collection and hardware alignment issues. But as we’ll explore in this blog, solutions are emerging.

We will go into how TinyML is revolutionizing machine learning, its wide range of applications, its challenges, and how it fits into the broader technological landscape. From hardware boards and sensors to software platforms and algorithmic frameworks, we’ll examine the complete TinyML ecosystem.

Servers, CPUs, GPUs, TPUs, and Microcontrollers: Understanding the Players


These are powerful computers designed for data storage, processing, and management. They are generally part of data centers and handle large-scale tasks that are beyond the capabilities of regular personal computers. Often employ multiple CPUs, GPUs, and sometimes even TPUs to perform high-complexity calculations and data analytics at great speeds. However, they consume a lot of power and require cooling systems, so they are less efficient for tasks that can be handled by edge devices.

Central Processing Units (CPUs)

CPUs, or Central Processing Units, are the generalists in the world of computing. They handle everything from basic arithmetic to complex algorithms and serve as the brains behind most computer systems.

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)

GPUs are specialized for rendering graphics and are highly efficient at tasks that require parallel processing. They’ve also gained prominence in machine learning due to their capability to perform multiple operations simultaneously.

Tensor Processing Units (TPUs)

TPUs are specialized hardware for machine learning applications. They excel in tasks that involve matrix operations, which are critical in machine learning algorithms, particularly deep learning models.

Microcontrollers: The Real Game-Changers in TinyML

Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications and offer a way to bring machine learning closer to the data source—in sensors, household items, and industrial machines. Unlike CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs, microcontrollers are optimized for specific tasks and consume far less power, making them ideal for TinyML applications.

TinyML Hardware Boards

These hardware boards are compact, efficient computers designed to execute machine learning algorithms on edge devices. These boards integrate microcontrollers and technology to accelerate AI, enabling efficient ML workloads without additional hardware. Examples include Coral Edge TPU, Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, Syntiant TinyML, Adafruit EdgeBadge, and SparkFun Edge.

They offer key advantages like reduced size, low energy consumption, affordability, ease of use, seamless integration into existing systems, and flexibility for a range of applications from IoT to robotics. Despite their small size, they offer solid performance, including advanced features like deep learning support.

Among the hardware available are:

  • The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense features a powerful Nordic Cortex-M4F processor and low-energy Bluetooth connectivity. This makes it particularly suitable for small-scale machine learning models.
  • Arduino Nicla Sense ME has an extremely compact design and incorporates a variety of industrial-grade sensors. It is suitable for applications where space is limited but a range of industrial sensors is required for precise data collection.
  • SparkFun Edge features a powerful Arm Cortex-M4F processor, integrated sensors, and low-energy Bluetooth connectivity, making it ideal for compact machine learning models.
  • Coral Dev Board Micro incorporates an integrated camera, a microphone, and the Coral Edge TPU. This allows developers to rapidly prototype and deploy low-power, integrated systems with on-device machine learning inference.

TinyML Software Suites

TinyML stands for the application of machine learning algorithms on low-power devices. These algorithms can run directly on the device and make real-time decisions without requiring communication with a remote server. To develop TinyML applications, we use software packages such as TensorFlow Lite, Edge Impulse, and Zerynth.

These provide the necessary tools for deploying machine learning models on energy and resource-constrained devices. Some of these packages even offer pre-trained models and other resources to simplify the implementation of machine learning on microcontrollers.

Popular TinyML Software Tools:

  • TensorFlow Lite: An open-source framework designed for deploying machine learning models on edge devices.
  • Edge Impulse: A platform that streamlines the development and deployment of machine learning algorithms on edge devices.
  • SensiML: A software platform assisting in the development of machine learning models for microcontrollers and other low-power devices. These models empower energy-efficient devices to perform complex tasks such as data classification, anomaly detection, and predictive maintenance.
  • OpenMV: An open-source hardware and software platform aimed at the development of vision-based applications on microcontrollers.
  • STMicroelectronics’ STM32Cube.AI: A development kit that eases the deployment of artificial intelligence algorithms on STM32 microcontrollers. It offers pre-trained models, a graphical interface for training and deploying models, and integrates with tools like STM32CubeMX.
  • NanoEdge AI Studio: A platform that facilitates the creation and deployment of AI models without requiring programming. It’s ideal for businesses looking to quickly and easily incorporate AI into their applications and systems.
  • Neuton: A code-free Tiny AutoML platform, powered by a patented neural network framework at its core. It offers a highly automated and transparent process, which means it requires minimal user intervention. Neuton helps to automatically build extremely compact and accurate models without needing additional compression and natively incorporates them into 8, 16, and 32-bit microcontrollers.

Data Engineering Frameworks

Data Engineering Frameworks are sets of tools and techniques designed for efficient data management. These frameworks facilitate the acquisition, cleaning, transformation, and storage of data, preparing them for analysis. We will delve into these frameworks in another post.

Incorporating these software suites into your TinyML projects can significantly speed up development time, improve model accuracy, and enable your low-power devices to perform complex computations, thus pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the realm of machine learning and edge computing.

Fueling Industry Modernization: The ROI of TinyML

The value proposition of TinyML extends far beyond individual gadgets or isolated use-cases. One of the most compelling aspects of this technology is its capacity to accelerate the modernization of entire industries. Traditional industries that have been slow to adopt digital technologies now have an entry point that is both cost-effective and immensely powerful.

Cost Efficiency: Doing More with Less

Adopting new technologies often comes with hefty price tags and operational disruptions. However, TinyML on microcontrollers is incredibly cost-efficient, especially when compared to the infrastructural costs of cloud-based solutions . So this lower barrier to entry enables even small and medium-sized enterprises to leverage advanced machine learning algorithms, thereby democratizing access to transformative technologies.

Higher ROI: A Competitive Edge

But it’s not just about cost savings; it’s about return on investment (ROI). Implementing TinyML can lead to higher operational efficiencies, reduced downtimes, and new revenue streams through data-driven insights. So when your devices are smart enough to adapt to changing conditions or even predict maintenance needs, the ROI isn’t just about money saved; it’s about revenue generated through intelligent, timely decision-making.

Transformative Potential Across Sectors

From healthcare and agriculture to manufacturing and logistics, the impact of TinyML is far-reaching. For instance, in healthcare, wearable devices can monitor a range of metrics, providing real-time data that can be critical in emergency situations.

In agriculture, sensors can monitor soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop health, optimizing yields and sustainability. The relatively low cost of TinyML solutions means faster payback and a more substantial ROI, making it a keystone in the modernization of traditional industries.

Real-world Examples: GitHub Repositories to Explore

  1. Artificial Nose by Kartben

You might want to check out this fascinating project that aims to give machines a sense of smell. This the artificial nose is used for a myriad of applications.

From aiding people who can’t detect certain smells like burning food, to monitoring the cleanliness of office buildings, this project is a real-world application of TinyML that you can experiment with.

  1. MCUNet by MIT Han Lab

For those interested in delving deeper into the technicalities, MIT Han Lab’s MCUNet offers an exciting playground. MCUNet is a framework to enable deep learning on microcontrollers.

With its two main components, TinyNAS and TinyEngine, it focuses on improving deep learning performance within tight memory constraints, demonstrating the true power of system-algorithm co-design in TinyML.

Feel free to explore these repositories to get hands-on experience and discover what TinyML can achieve.


In our journey through the transformative world of TinyML, we’ve delved into how it’s modernizing industries by providing cost-efficient, intelligent solutions. With its promise of higher ROI, TinyML is not just a trend but a significant step towards intelligent, self-sufficient devices that can operate in real-time, without the need for massive data centers.

Microcontrollers, the unsung heroes in this narrative, are making it all possible, shaping an exciting frontier in machine learning and edge computing.

Jonathan Cagua
Firmware/Hardware Engineer by day, culinary enthusiast by choice. I blend recipes in Linux and in the kitchen. Blogging about tech and experimenting with the latest gadgets are my passions


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