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8 bit Microcontrollers: A Nostalgic Dive but Still Fueling Innovation

8bit microcontroller

While watching a movie recently, I was reminded of the fascinating challenge of accomplishing great things with limited resources. This took me back to my first classes in C programming, where my professor often emphasized the importance of resource management in coding. It’s intriguing to consider whether the same level of care was taken in the early days of microcontrollers and video games.

Back then, developers had to be incredibly creative. With limited registers and memory, every byte and every processor cycle counted. Consider the classic example of Mario Bros. in video games: to make Mario run, developers kept some pixels static while only a few were dynamic, and the landscapes were often repetitive. This was an innovation born out of necessity.

Today, developers might lean towards using a 32-bit Cortex M4 microcontroller for similar tasks. However, there’s a unique charm and efficiency in using 8-bit microcontrollers for specific applications. Their simplicity, cost-effectiveness (often just 77 cents), and ease of soldering make them incredibly accessible. Sometimes, true innovation lies in making the most out of the seemingly limited.

In the automotive industry, this concept of using just what is necessary is reflected in the use of 8 bit microcontrollers for distributed intelligence. They’re employed in car seats, temperature sensors, and window controls. These applications don’t require the complexity of higher-bit microcontrollers but benefit from the efficiency and specialization of 8-bit ones.

Join me as we explore the continuing relevance and advantages of 8-bit microcontrollers in our modern, high-tech world. From their humble beginnings to their enduring presence in various industries, we’ll discover how sometimes, less can indeed be more in the realm of technological innovation.

The Case for Simplicity

Consider the task of building an optical encoder that signals when a disc completes a rotation. Does this really require a 32-bit microcontroller with multiple interfaces like 2 UART, 1 SPI, and 2 I2C? Often, the answer is no. In practice, opening up products reveals that they frequently utilize smaller, specialized microcontrollers. These devices efficiently execute specific tasks without the complexity of understanding numerous registers.

Efficiency and Power Consumption

Another critical aspect of 8-bit microcontrollers is their energy efficiency. Operating at lower speeds, they tend to consume less power, making them ideal for industry applications where energy efficiency is paramount. Their small size and cost-effectiveness add to their appeal, especially in embedded systems and compact devices.

Real-World Applications 8 Bit Microcontroller

Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) In the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), 8 bit microcontrollers play a crucial role. For tasks like optimizing signal processing in ECG signals, these micros help reduce the data load transmitted to more powerful processing units.

Automotive Industry In automotive design, modern vehicles incorporate numerous subsystems controlled by Electronic Control Units (ECUs). Here, 8-bit microcontrollers are often used for specific control tasks, balancing the system’s overall complexity and cost.

Medical Devices In the medical field, where power consumption is critical, 8-bit microcontrollers are vital for optimizing battery life in devices that collect and store sensor data.

Personal Experience and Preferences

From my experience, I’ve found a preference for 12F microcontrollers due to their power and compact size, which facilitates design in various applications. Reflecting on the early days with the 18F and 16F families, these micros were instrumental in my projects, offering functionalities like capacitive touch and USB connectivity (as seen in models like PIC18F97J60 and 18F2550).

See below the costs

8 bit microcontroller price


The Importance of Continuous Learning

While high-performance microcontrollers have their place, simpler tasks don’t always require a 240 MHz micro. Understanding the broad spectrum of available microcontrollers is essential for any designer. Stepping out of the comfort zone in microcontroller knowledge can lead to more efficient and cost-effective solutions. Continuous learning in this field is crucial, as technology constantly evolves.


In summary, 8-bit microcontrollers are not just relics of the past but are highly relevant and efficient for certain applications in the modern tech landscape. Their low power consumption, simplicity, and specific applicability make them indispensable tools in various industries. As technology progresses, the value of these microcontrollers remains, reminding us that sometimes, simpler can be better.

Jonathan Cagua
Firmware/Hardware Engineer by day, culinary enthusiast by choice. I blend recipes in Linux and in the kitchen. Blogging about tech and experimenting with the latest gadgets are my passions

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